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Louise Blissett
Financial TECHNOLOGY Systems
Louise is a highly experienced consultant with 18-year track record. Her expertise extends to areas of commercial finance, systems management, and process optimisation.
Louise Blissett
Louise can help your organisation select and implement the right financial system to deliver commercial strategies, whilst implementing and supporting you to deliver your Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) agenda..
Commercial Systems and Finance Proposition: In the rapidly evolving realm of finance, organisations require tailored solutions that optimise commercial strategies, streamline systems, and empower financial operations. It’s about selecting and implementing the right highly sustainable systems or, optimising and enhancing existing solutions to ensure your organisation stays at the forefront of responsible finance and accounting practices.
Our comprehensive range of services are aimed at enhancing financial processes and driving strategic and sustainable success.
We can support with all aspects of financial system implementation or optimisation. With the ESG agenda and B Corp assessments now a priority for many organisations, we can support you to ensure a smooth and successful adoption of these key areas
System Implementation and Integration
Process Streamlining
Financial Reporting and Analysis
Finance, ERP, HR, and Sales Software
ESG Implementation and training
BCorp Assessments
Our Engagement Approach:
Embarking on a transformative journey with us entails a comprehensive roadmap led our team’s proven expertise and experience. With a focus on optimising financial operations and systems, our engagement model is tailored to deliver tangible results aligned with your specific business needs.
Requirement Gathering:We begin by delving deep into your business's needs, to understand your objectives, challenges and unique requirements to devise a strategy that
Strategic Solution Design:We design a strategic blueprint specifically designed for your organisation. Our goal is to not only address your current needs but also futureproof your solutions.
System Implementation:
depending on the recommendations we will support the delivery of these key outcomes in close collaboration with you and your teams.
Training and Skills DevelopmentWe will support and train your team to work seamlessly and confidently with the new solution driving productivity and user satisfaction.
Ongoing Support:We don’t leave it there. The team will be on hand to support with ongoing training.
For more information please contact Annette Banks at
annette.banks@satigo.com +44 2082 563 217
We look forward to discussing your requirements
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