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Dean Leak
Performance Services
We understand that building a high-performing team is more than having technical talent. It’s about cultivating a learning environment, embracing friction, and enabling a team of individuals to work together to achieve a common goal.
Dean Leak
We know that employees are experiencing change fatigue and government departments are facing the threat of losing talent to stress and burnout.
Our human led, culture-driven approach is designed to help organisations nurture an energised, purposeful, and agile team that bring healthy, into high-performance results. We believe high-performance results, and a genuine care for its people, go hand-in-hand.
Our intervention varies case-by-case, and here are a few examples of what we create through workshops, facilitation, and projects:
Our services are tailored to the unique requirements of each organization, and we employ a variety of methods, including workshops, facilitation, and projects, to achieve the following outcomes:
Improved collaboration and decision-making processes
Stronger sense of trust, belonging, and empathy among team members
Development of persuasive, adaptable, and coaching communication styles
Shared sense of identity, team behaviours, and ways of working
Effective emotional energy management, stress regulation, and burnout prevention
Enhanced feedback-giving and receiving skills
We help organisations achieve the following outcomes:
Higher employee retention rates
Improved culture and people survey insights
Enhanced cross-government collaboration
Supporting and developing staff with people skills in line with professions model
Greater employee happiness, engagement, and performance
We understand that every organisation is unique, which is why we work closely with our clients to tailor our programme to the context they’re operating within.
Our empathetic and performance focussed approach means that we prioritise human connection and understanding, so that we can create a programme that truly meets our clients’ needs.

With our proven track record of success working with Olympic teams, British Governmental departments, and FSTE 100 companies, you can trust us to help your team achieve its full potential.
An agreement roadmap typically looks like:
Team AppraisalA deep dive into the underlying cultural roots of your team . The learning appraisal that draws out its diverse team narratives, the team strengths and team tensions.
Team AnalysisWe generate a thematic analysis of your team from the team appraisal. We evidence a whole systems ‘team story’ of what’s showing up ‘here and now’ in the team culture.
Team RoadmapWe work collaboratively with you to build a team culture strategy which turns intentions into tangible behavioural action. The roadmap offers multiple interventions that address the emerging needs.
Team ProgrammeWe help you drive exemplar programmes to address emerging needs in analysis and deliver the team roadmap. The scale of the programme will depend on.
For more information please contact Annette Banks at
annette.banks@satigo.com +44 2082 563 217
We look forward to discussing your requirements
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